Team Projects

Watch this space for forthcoming Relationship work-shops in Petersfield, presented by Hannah Makin and Jemima Eames

Wed January 14th 2015, at Nutrivital, Dragon St, Peterfield.

Hannah Makin to be a contributor to the British Psychological Society’s involvement in the House of Commons Select Committee new call for evidence towards – Palliative and End-of-Life Care Consultation.


Roessa Marks and Natasha Gladki present a Stress awareness evening for adolescents / children and parents in Petersfield in aid of “Young Minds” Featuring:

*          Hannah Makin who will talk about the psychology of stress and guide the audience through a hypnosis session.

*          Jemima Eames who will share the benefits of Matrix Reprogramming and give a live demo in EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique).